Congestive Heart Failure

Take the symptom checker test for your loved one and take it with you when you visit your veterinarian.

The symptom checker is not intended to be used to diagnose heart failure or to replace medical advice. The data you enter will not be stored or used by the SAVA VET or any third parties. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to ouThe symptom checker is not intended to be used to diagnose heart failure or to replace medical advice. The data you enter will not be stored or used by the SAVA VET or any third parties.

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Shortness of Breath

Congestive Heart failure can cause the fluid in the body to gather in the lungs which may cause your companion to feel short of breath during everyday activities such as walking or climbing stairs.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.


Difficulty breathing

Congestive Heart failure can cause your companion to find it extremely difficult to breathe properly even while lying down.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.


Persistent coughing

Heart Failure in companions can cause coughing especially during or after exercise or at night. The cough is typically caused by fluid accumulation in the lungs due to the heart’s reduced ability to pump blood effectively.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.


Loss of appetite

A build-up of fluid around the gut can affect digestion and might cause a loss of appetite, or make you feel sick when eating.

Have you noticed a loss of appetite in the past 2 weeks?


Sudden weight increase

Worsening heart failure may cause an increase in weight of more than two kilograms in one week because fluid builds up in your body.

Have you noticed a weight increase of more than 2kg in the past week?


Being reluctant
to do activities

Heart Failure can make your companion slow down during walks. There may be changes in his behaviour and your companion may be reluctant to go on walks.

Has your companion been unable to do activities that he was able to do earlier?


especially at night

Dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) can be restless at night due to fluid buildup in their lungs, which makes it harder to breathe.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.


Fainting or
collapsing episodes

Fainting can be a symptom of congestive heart failure in dogs due to a lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.


Rapid heartbeat

The heart sometimes starts to speed up to compensate for its reduced ability to pump blood around the body.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.


Swelling in

As fluid in the body builds up, the abdomen or belly area may swell up.

Please rate your experience of this symptom.

Almost done...

The next step for you is to download your answers and talk to your doctor about them.

The symptom checker is not intended to be used to diagnose heart failure or to replace medical advice.
Start again