SAVA EduFest 2023

SAVAVET actively participated in the SAVAVET EduFest organized by the Small Animal Veterinary Association Delhi, held at Umrao Resorts in Delhi from December 14th to 15th. Esteemed speakers, including well-known professors from various universities of veterinary medicine such as Dr. P.S. Mohan Kumar, Dr. A.P. Nambi, and Dr. S.P. Tyagi, presented valuable insights on topics such as “Insights into Common Endocrinopathies of Canines and Felines: What a Clinician Needs to Know?” and “Systematic Approach to Diagnostic Imaging of Thoracoabdominal Disorders in Companion Animals.” The event provided a platform for interaction and learning, with SAVAVET actively engaging with the large number of attendees. The company showcased its diverse portfolio, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. The SAVA (Small Animal Veterinary Association, Delhi) CPD organizing team played a crucial role in orchestrating this memorable event, and SAVAVET extends its gratitude for their efforts in making it a successful and enriching experience.