Preventing Zoonotic diseases

Human-animal interactions enrich our lives. But, this can also pose risks to both humans and animals. One of these risks is the spread of disease between humans and animals. Fortunately, preventive measures and good hygiene are simple ways to reduce the risk of disease. What are zoonotic diseases?   Zoonotic diseases are diseases that can […]

How to start training your puppy?

Puppies are quick learners. They learn from the environment, from socializing with people or other animals and also from direct training. Training gives the perfect foundation for their adulthood. Providing puppies with the appropriate socialization and basic puppy training allows them to grow into confident adult dogs. Follow this step-by-step puppy training guide to set […]

Help pets with pain stay happy

It is that time of the year when your pet may feel uncomfortable due to increased sensation of stiffness and pain in joints. Moreover, for pets who have osteoarthritis, this is one of the most challenging times. Also heart-breaking it is for pet parents to see their child writhing in pain, unable to move with […]