
Uterene contains multiple synergistic herbs with uterine cleansing and rejuvenating property, Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, wound healing and blood purifying properties. Potentiated with benefits of Zinc and Iron. 

Target Species: Buffalo, Cattle, Goat, Horse, Sheep
Therapeutic Class
Uterine cleanser
Each 5ml contains:   Iron 6 Mg Zinc 4 Mg Saraca indica Bk. 250 mg; Cedrus deodare Ht. Wd. 150 mg; Asparagus racemosus Rt., Eugenia jambolana Sd. & Withania somnifera Rt. each 40 mg Emblica officinalis Fr., Terminalia belerica Fr., Terminalia chebula Fr., Eclipta alba Wh. Pl. & Symplocos racemosa Bk., each 20 mg Acacia catechu Bk., Ficus bengalensis Bk., Aegle marmelos Fr., Mangifera indica Sd., Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Fl., Hemidesmus indicus Rt., Sida cordifolia Rt., & Bombax malabaricum Exd. each 10 mg; Dashmool 100 mg containing: Aegle marmelos Rt., Gmelina arborea Rt., Stereospermum suaveolens Rt., Clerodendrum phlomidis Rt.; Oroxylum indicum Rt., Desmodium gangeticum Rt., Uraria picta Rt., Solanum indicum Rt., Solanum xantocarpum Rt.; & Tribulus terrestris Rt., each 10 mg; Tinospora cordifolia St. & Embelia ribes Fr. each 5 mg 
Oral Liquid

Large Animal (Cattle, Buffalo) 

For prophylaxis of retained placenta: 450ml immediately after calving. 

For treatment of retained placenta: 450ml followed by 450ml after 6 hours. 

For open pyometra: 150ml per day for 6 days 

For induction of heat: 150ml per day for 6 days from the 54th day after parturition. 

Small animals (Sheep & Goats): 75 ml per day 


Available as 450ml, 900ml bottles.